If you can’t seem to crack the code with your phone (or virtual meetings) to enroll high-ticket clients…

21-Day Online

marketing & Sales Workshop

Enroll More Clients in the next 21-Days

ATTENTION: Coaches, Consultants, & Fee-for-Service Professionals:

If you can’t seem to crack the code with your phone (or virtual meetings) to enroll high-ticket clients…

Give Me Just 10 Minutes A Day for The Next 21 Days and I’ll Show You How To…

Enroll More High-Ticket Coaching or 
Consulting Clients Without Feeling Inauthentic Or Sacrificing Your Integrity… 

(Even if you secretly dread getting on the phone to “sell” your services right now)

Give Me Just 10 Minutes A Day for The Next 21 Days and I’ll Show You How To…

Enroll More High-Ticket Clients Without Feeling Inauthentic 
Or Sacrificing Your Integrity…

(Even if you secretly dread getting on the phone to “sell” your services right now)

Give Me Just 10 Minutes A Day For The Next 21 Days And I Promise... 

You Will Make More Sales!

“Give Me Just 10 Minutes A Day For The Next 21 Days
And I Promise... “You’ll Make More Sales!”

This is the exact method our clients are using to enroll dream clients at $3k-$50k without being slimy, salesy, or manipulative… while having a lot more fun transforming their clients' lives."

Dan Lok
King Of Closing™

"This is the exact method our clients are using to enroll dream clients at $3k-$50k without being slimy, salesy, or manipulative… while having a lot more fun transforming their clients' lives."

Dan Lok
King Of Closing™

If you’re frustrated because you don’t know how to enroll high-ticket clients into your products or services yet…
Or if you’re sick to death of giving away your expertise in “free consultations” only to have prospects not buy (or worse: they buy from someone else who charges higher fees than you)…

Or if you’re starting to feel that the life you want is slowly slipping away because you can’t enroll enough clients to fund your lifestyle while having an incredible impact on the world…

There’s a much easier way to enroll high-end clients into your programs…

While staying completely aligned with your inner values.

And it doesn’t matter if you charge an hourly rate…or package your services into monthly (or year long) programs…

With this method you can enroll many more clients who value what you do

And that means, you can finally create a scalable business that gives you the freedom to serve who, when, and how you want.

And get this:

It works even if you hate the “sales part” of your work right now…
In fact, it’s already helping my clients (even those brand new in their business) take people who have never heard of them… and convert them into High Ticket products and services for as much as $5,000, $10,000, $36,000 or more.
Hard to believe if you’re struggling right now – or if you have mental blocks around asking for money – but…check out what these people (who are no different to you) are already saying about it…
Now, just for a moment, imagine how you would feel if you could:
  • Enroll higher-ticket clients by dramatically reducing the pressure, stress and worry you may be feeling now...
  • Comfortably connect with potential clients WITHOUT feeling like you have to force (or manipulate) people to buy your programs…
  • Relax and enjoy the process of enrolling clients WITHOUT feeling you have to sacrifice your integrity or feel inauthentic to succeed.
Enroll higher-ticket clients by dramatically reducing the pressure, stress and worry you may be feeling now...
Comfortably connect with potential clients WITHOUT feeling like you have to force (or manipulate) people to buy your programs…
Relax and enjoy the process of enrolling clients WITHOUT feeling you have to sacrifice your integrity or feel inauthentic to succeed.
Wouldn't that feel great?

Wouldn't that give you more energy and drive to use your gifts and experience to help more people? Possibly even hundreds if not tens of thousands of people?

I hope so because…

If you keep reading down the page, you'll soon discover that it's not only POSSIBLE ... it's almost absolutely PROBABLE ... even if you've never done it before.

And even if you don’t believe it just yet.

Because if I’m right, you’ve never tried anything like what I’m about to reveal in this message.

With the method I’m about to explain, you can remain completely aligned with your authentic self while you enroll client after client after client… and…
You can finally be rewarded with the business and lifestyle you want for yourself and your family while making a meaningful difference in the lives of your clients.
I’m NOT saying you'll enroll everyone you talk to.

That’s not realistic.

And frankly, not everyone you talk to is a good fit for what you offer.

But, if you're serious about changing people’s lives with your programs…

…and you want to get the fees you know you deserve starting today…

…please read every word of this important message and accept my risk-free invitation to join my 21-day challenge below.

But first…
The Backstory to How I Discovered A More AUTHENTIC, GENUINE, AND ETHICAL Way to Enroll Clients So I Could Share My Unique Gifts With The World…
My name is Dan Lok.

I wasn't always good at turning appointments into clients.

Before figuring out how to turn my talents into a big income I was just an average business consultant…

My main goal back then was to support my mother who was recently divorced.

So I worked an extra job in a grocery store so I could help my Mom out with her bills while I tried to get my business off the ground.

I struggled to enroll clients back then because the “sales” methods taught by the “experts” didn’t feel authentic to me.

When someone booked a Free Strategy Session I’d go into instant panic… because I didn’t know how to ask for money while staying true to my values.

I didn’t know how to handle all the objections they’d throw at me.
So I’d give my best “pitch” – like the “experts” told me to – and they would go and buy from somebody else, even though I knew in my heart I could serve them better than many of my competitors.

I gave big discounts hoping people would say “yes” but they often still said “I need to think about it”.

Every time I spoke with a potential client on the phone I felt like I was manipulating them instead of sharing my gifts and expertise with them.

I thought to myself, “If THIS is the only way to enroll new clients then I’ll never be able to share my gifts with the world while staying true to myself.

And that meant I’d either have to miss out on having the impact I wanted to have on the world or…

I’d have to turn into someone I didn’t want to be in order to become successful.

But being inauthentic didn’t sit right with me so…
I decided to flip the script… to be more genuine and authentic to my mission… by doing the complete opposite to what the sales trainers and sales books were teaching...
Here's what happened…
I decided I would no longer try to convince people to buy from me.

Instead, I started to do the opposite of what the books and “experts” said to do.

For example, instead of trying to force people through a scripted “sales presentation”...

I flipped the script and, after some “small talk,” I asked (in an almost uninterested tone) “why are we talking?”

Instead of talking about the features and benefits of my marketing service, I asked questions like:

"Why do you even want to increase your sales, aren't you making enough money already?"


“What if you don’t land more clients, will it even matter?”

You'd think that would turn people off, right?

But it didn't.

Instead of “converting” (which is cold and clinical) I was “connecting” (which created real human-to-human bonding)...
and to my surprise, the “enrollment conversation” completely changed...
I was no longer “selling”.

And the person on the other end of the line was no longer a “cold prospect” but a “person deserving of my care and attention”.

This changed EVERYTHING.

(See how different this is?)

I was finally helping people make important decisions that would instantly and dramatically change their lives.

I started to LOVE getting on the phone to talk with potential clients.

People actually opened up about the REAL reason we were talking.

And the “enrollment conversation” became natural and effortless.

I found I got into much deeper rapport with my potential clients.

And I started having heart-to-heart conversations with people about what really mattered to them.

People started to ask ME to coach them even before I gave a price or asked them to buy.

This was revolutionary.

A complete turn around from what I’d been experiencing.
Within 13 months of discovering this new approach my life and business completely transformed…
I quickly went from enrolling 1 out of 10 appointments… to welcoming 5 out of 10 new people into the fold…

Amazing, right?

This one “shift” 5X’d the number of clients I served almost INSTANTLY from the same amount of contacts.

When this happened my confidence shot through the roof.

And I finally gained the freedom to continue to expand and help even more people.
Suddenly people said “yes” more often than “no”
I began enrolling over 53% of the people I talked to, and, as my thinking got bigger and my confidence grew, I set my eyes on a target of enrolling 8 out of every 10 people I spoke to
My revenue more than tripled from less than HALF the number of contacts
  • Suddenly people said “yes” more often than “no”
  • I began enrolling over 53% of the people I talked to, and, as my thinking got bigger and my confidence grew, I set my eyes on a target of enrolling 8 out of every 10 people I spoke to
  • My revenue more than tripled from less than HALF the number of contacts
And I managed to pay off all my Mom’s debt and buy her a nice new home.

That’s how powerful this approach is.

Since then I’ve dramatically refined my approach and can now teach anyone to enroll clients more easily.
Imagine the difference YOU can make in the world when more than HALF of your appointments turn into enrolled clients…
I mean, think about it…
What if… you could turn more appointments into clients without feeling “forced” or “fake”?
What if… you could connect with people in an authentic way and have more of them asking to do business with you?
What if… your clients actually thanked you for serving and sharing your gifts with them? 
(That's what happens to me and the clients who are using this system.)
That’s what can happen for you when you learn the secrets to enrolling clients the easy way.
Right now, the only way to get your hands on these secrets is to enroll in my 
21-day “More Sales Challenge” (see below).
It’s a simple one-a-day video based challenge I put together to help coaches and consultants like you who are struggling to turn appointments into enrolled clients quickly get up to speed so you can enroll all the clients you need to get your life working the way you want it.
Here’s what the 21-Day “More Sales Challenge” will do for you:
Further down this private invitation page, I share why it's 21 days and not just 5 days, or 14 days like so many other Challenges you've seen or participated in...

But first, let me address the elephant in the room…

The word “Sales”.

I know it can trigger a lot of negative emotions, especially if you’ve had bad experiences with sales people or view sales as something manipulative that you do “to” someone instead of something you do “for” someone.

I get it.

That’s why I prefer to focus on service and helping - my team and I simply call it “enrollment”.

It’s more natural and authentic.

But since every business has a function called ‘Sales” and since “sales” is a universal term, I named the challenge the “More Sales Challenge”.

I hope that’s ok with you and doesn’t put you off.
With that said, here’s the changes you can expect to see in your life before you even finish the “More Sales Challenge”...
You can expect to see a dramatic transformation in the the way you:
  • Effortlessly enroll clients (and even command premium fees of $3,000 - $50,000+ for your services, EVEN IF that thought scares you right now)
  • Almost instantly overcome common objections like “I need to think about it”, “Can you send me more information?”, “It costs too much!” and other stalls, excuses, and smokescreens that lose sales and stop you from reaching your goals
  • AND you’ll do ALL by NEVER compromising your integrity, feeling inauthentic, or resorting to sleazy “high pressure” sales tactics
Effortlessly enroll clients (and even command premium fees of $3,000 - $50,000+ for your services, EVEN IF that thought scares you right now)
Almost instantly overcome common objections like “I need to think about it”, “Can you send me more information?”, “It costs too much!” and other stalls, excuses, and smokescreens that lose sales and stop you from reaching your goals
AND you’ll do ALL by NEVER compromising your integrity, feeling inauthentic, or resorting to sleazy “high pressure” sales tactics
But why 21-days?
There are two reasons, both designed to nurture your spirit as you go through the transformation:
  • 21 days is a nice pace to “live” with these ideas and become comfortable as you review (and pit to the test) this way of effortless conversation that leads to more enrolled clients. Any faster than 21-days and it will feel forced
  • When famous plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz did an operation on a patient — whether it was a nose job or a leg amputation — he noticed it would take patients 21 days to adjust to the change in their body...
Since you are making an adjustment to the way you hold client enrollment conversations I think 21-days is the perfect length of time to allow you to make that shift.

After 21-days these new behaviors will become a habit. And once enrollment becomes a habit… nothing can stand in the way of you fulfilling your life purpose.
  • 21 days is a nice pace to “live” with these ideas and become comfortable as you review (and pit to the test) this way of effortless conversation that leads to more enrolled clients. Any faster than 21-days and it will feel forced
  • When famous plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz did an operation on a patient — whether it was a nose job or a leg amputation — he noticed it would take patients 21 days to adjust to the change in their body...
Here’s how the 21-Day
“More Sales Challenge” Works…
Simply click the “Enroll Now” button below.

Invest the tiny one-time enrollment fee (less than the cost of a decent meal at your favorite restaurant) and completely backed by my no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

And you’re all set.

My support team will do the rest.

After you enroll you’ll receive a welcome email with your login details to access the “More Sales Challenge”.

The challenge will be delivered to you in 21 bite-sized 10-minute video chunks.

Each 10-minute video will reveal an important piece of my Client Enrollment process.

You can watch each module in one sitting – (so you can quickly get ahead while your competitors are binge-watching NetFlix)...

Or, take your time and watch one video a day for the next 21 days.

Choice is yours.

But think about it. All we’re talking about here is committing 70 minutes a week to probably change your life and mindset forever.
Wouldn't you agree that’s a fair exchange - even though you don’t know exactly what you’re getting yourself into yet?
If any of this rings true for you, here’s what to do now:
Give Yourself The Gift Of More Clients Starting Today…
Here’s What You Get:

More Sales Challenge 

Component #1

The complete 21-day “More Sales Challenge” Video Series For Coaches, Consultants, and Service Providers
$1,000 value
By the time you complete all 21 video lessons you’ll be enrolling a lot more clients, more easily and serving more people than ever before.
Secrets to make people almost instantly like and trust you:
For example, you’ll discover:
  • People like high energy people. Here’s how to get your mojo back if you’re feeling demotivated after losing sale after sale
  • Three types of salespeople and the one type that commands the most respect from clients
  • Why the best “Talkers” are not the best “Closers”. And the two ingredients you need to take control of your enrollment calls
  • How to build instant connection and trust with anyone you talk to - even if you're an introvert and shy away from conversations
  • ​Why you might be self-sabotaging your success and what to do about it
  • ​The single best way to stop sounding needy and desperate – even if you ARE needy and desperate
  • ​How to control the “mental frame” so you can control the game (this is the secret to staying emotionally unattached from the outcome, so you never get tired or burnt out from sales calls)
Qualifying secrets, including: 
  • How to properly qualify your prospects… plus what to do to gauge your prospects' interest level to enroll more clients
  • The exact wording to use to "open" a free consultation call to put the potential new client (and yourself) at ease. Makes the time you spend together feel more like a casual conversation than a high-pressure sales call
  • The two most powerful weapons at your disposal to land better clients faster
Hidden persuasion secrets like: 
  • How to make prospects want what you are selling even before the call begins
  • How to make them want to buy only from you – even if other people offer basically the same thing
  • The core reason why people actually buy - it’s not to get your product or offer (see what they are really buying and how to give it to them)
  • The seemingly harmful (but deal-killing) words and phrases most coaches and consultants say that could be costing you thousands of dollars every time you say them
  • ​The unconventional 3 P's framework that sold millions of coaching programs, courses and professional services for me and my clients
  • ​Why you should not make ROI (Return On Investment) the promise of your coaching or consulting services and what to promise instead - this runs counterintuitive to what everyone else is teaching. That’s why it works
You also get time-saving secrets like:
  • How to eliminate bad prospects from your pipeline before they take up valuable space on your calendar – especially important if you have a sales team, or you want to get back some time to spend with your kids
  • How to create objection-free sales conversations that lead to easier enrollments in less time
  • Why the purpose of your sales calls is NOT to “show what you’ve got.” Here’s what you should be doing instead to enroll more clients (clue: I often don’t even tell prospects what my product does)
  • ​The power of high-ticket offers and ascension, and how to use both to effortlessly scale your earnings in less time with fewer leads
Closing secrets like:
  • Why you should NEVER give proposals and how to increase your sales by saying “no” to everyone who asks for one
  • Why you should NEVER ask for the sale, despite what the sales “gurus” tell you (it might work in retail sales, but it works against you when selling professional services)
  • How to turn procrastinators into paying clients (roughly 2 in 10 people you speak to are natural born procrastinators. Learn to close them and you’ll instantly close an extra 2 out of 10 people you speak to) Works even better on non-procrastinators
  • ​And much, much more
That’s just the tip of the iceberg compared to everything you get to help you enroll more clients with my “More Sales Challenge”...
The part of the iceberg MOST people don’t see is hidden in these additional resources I'm giving you here:

More Sales Challenge 

Component #2

A One-Page Digital Cheat Sheet For Every Sales Tactic I Deliver During the 21 Day 
“More Sales Challenge”
$200 value
These one-page digital cheat sheets are designed to print out and keep on your desk or stick on your wall as a handy reference guide.

They include a “homework” assignment to customize the training to your business - great to make sure you “get” the concepts at a deep level and implement right away.

Refer to the cheat sheets before and after your client enrollment consultation calls to see what you did right, what you did wrong, and how you can improve a little every day to master client enrollment.

More Sales Challenge 

Component #3

3 One-Hour Recorded More Sales Challenge Coaching Sessions With Team Dan Lok’s Director of Sales - Joel Goh
$1,500 value
Inside these pre recorded “More Sales” coaching sessions you’ll discover:
Session #1:
  • The 3 Rules of Sales plus the #1 thing that might be holding you back from turning more appointments into clients
  • How to "trick" your brain into leaving your comfort zone if your mindset is holding you back
  • Why it’s your ethical responsibility to sell your product (hint: changing your client’s life is just one reason. The other reason is far more powerful and motivating)
  • Why closing is coaching and coaching is closing - how to use a specific “coaching skill-set” to instantly land more and better clients
Session #2:
  • What to say and what not to say in a sales conversation that works for every type of product or service 
  • The BANT concept that guarantees you only talk to qualify leads who can afford what you are selling
  • The 5 best qualifying questions that you can master to help you close more sales
  • Role plays to help you integrate the lessons into your business
Session #3:
  • The 4 types of “Conversational Buffers” and how to apply each one to close more coaching or consulting clients
  • 4 Tantalizing Tonality Patterns to help you connect with your prospect on a deeper level and have them asking to buy from you
  • Plus much, much more
As you can see, the “More Sales Challenge” is a comprehensive program designed to help you turn a lot more appointments into enrolled clients
Here’s Where Your 21-day Journey Begins...
I could easily justify a $1,000 price tag for the 21 days “More Sales Challenge.”

After all, at that price it’s only 10% of what I charge companies and sales teams for some of my smallest programs.

But charging you $1,000 would be nuts.

After all, you don’t know me.

And I want to make this super-affordable for you so your life changes as quickly (and dramatically) as mine did.
That’s why I gave in to charging just $97.

At $97 it’s affordable and reasonable.

I mean, just one new client as a result of what you learn will more than cover your one-time small investment.
Besides, at $97 I’ll cover some or all of my advertising costs…

And you get to see just how powerful my easy enrollment method is.
WARNING: If my ads costs get too high I reserve the right to pull this offer any day now. If you want in, now is the time while you’re on this page.

If you close this page you may never get to see this offer again, and your chance to enroll more clients more easily will disappear with it.


"Our #1 priority is not just your satisfaction with your training investment with us, but we want to EXCEED your expectations.

That means, we stand by your purchase 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred. No ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it.

Within 30 days after you've invested in the More Sales Challenge™, if you're not delighted beyond your expectations, ask for a refund of your investment. You can keep any bonuses you were gifted by us.

Our objective is to serve you with our "Whatever It Takes" (WIT) attitude. We are here to train you better than any other educational organization on Earth.

30 Days gives you plenty of time to go through all the video lessons. I can't be any fairer than that."

*Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for official wording of our Money Back Guarantee


"Our #1 priority is not just your satisfaction with your training investment with us, but we want to EXCEED your expectations.

That means, we stand by your purchase 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred. No ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it.

Within 30 days after you've invested in the More Sales Challenge™, if you're not delighted beyond your expectations, ask for a refund of your investment. You can keep any bonuses you were gifted by us.

Our objective is to serve you with our "Whatever It Takes" (WIT) attitude. We are here to train you better than any other educational organization on Earth.

30 Days gives you plenty of time to go through all the video lessons. I can't be any fairer than that."

*Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for official wording of our Money Back Guarantee

Plus, I’ve Got 5 Free Resources Waiting For You Right Now Worth $1,800.00 – These 5 Resources are the Perfect Companions to the More Sales Challenge And They’re YOURS Absolutely FREE
(It’s my way of commending you for all the good you do for others)

More Sales Bonus gift #1

Proven Closing Script Used By My Highest Performing Sales Superstars To Close More Sales

(Works even on the toughest prospects and people who say “I’m not interested”)
$100 value
Imagine holding in your hands a private collection of my best qualifying questions, objection handlers, and closing lines to help you handle any “sales conversation?

That’s what you get with these proven scripts.
  • You'll discover a script that can cut the time it takes to close deals in HALF
  • You’ll see a much easier way to sell
  • You'll finally know what to say in EVERY sales situation to gain control and lead the conversation where you want it to go.

More Sales Bonus gift #2

How To Close Intimidating Prospects - Even If You’re A Complete Newbie To Sales

(Plus ‘50 Must-have Questions To Ace Tough Calls’)
$100 value
In this 40-minute video presentation, my top closer and head facilitator will take you behind the scenes of how we sell in my company.

He’ll walk you through the specific attitude you need... and... the EXACT questions to ask to close sales with high-status individuals.

Works especially well when talking to high-level executives like business owners and CEOs.

After viewing the training you’ll NEVER feel intimidated again.

In fact, you’ll look forward to speaking with high-status people because you’ll know exactly what to say to enroll them as a client.

If you’ve ever felt intimidated while talking to a prospect this is for you.

  • The exact questions to ask difficult prospects to uncover their problems and goals
  • How to get people to reveal their budget so you can tailor the solution to their financial capacity
  • How to figure out who the decision maker is… and how to get them eager to talk to you
  • A ‘Cheatsheet” of all 50 must-have questions to ace tough calls
  • ​Plus much, MUCH more - basically every question you should ask a high level executive or tough prospect (but are probably too afraid to do so) to qualify them and close the deal.

More Sales Bonus gift #3

“Close Me If You Can”

Watch As 16 Of My Best Sales Proteges Go Head-to-Head In A 32 Round Gladiator Style Knock-Out Competition!

$400 value
If you learn better by seeing the techniques in action then this is the shortcut you’re looking for.

In this exclusive bonus – only available on this page – you’ll go behind the scenes as 16 members of my team draw straws and…

…go head-to-head in a recorded gladiator style, 30-minute roleplay knock-out competition to see who's the best closer.

Each competitor uses the closing secrets you’ll learn during the 21-day “More Sales Challenge”.

Watch as the winner of each round advances to the next round to compete for the prized positions as Sales Gladiator….

This is a great way to learn killer lines you can use when you’re selling…. Plus you’ll see what works and what doesn’t so you can make adjustments to your own selling skills.

You also get…

More Sales Bonus gift #4

My 5 Hidden Sales-Boosting Secrets Behind The 100 Million Copy Sold Best-Selling Book:

“Think And Grow Rich!”

$200 value
If Napoleon Hill's best selling book “Think and Grow Rich” can teach you anything about sales success it’s this:
Success Begins In The Mind!
Today “Think and Grow Rich” is credited with creating more millionaires and billionaires than any other book in history!

In this powerful presentation, I break down the top 5 characteristics which I believe had the most impact on getting me where I am today.

These same 5 characteristics can put you on the fast track to achieving everything YOU desire during the 21 days “More Sales Challenge” and beyond.

Here are just 4 of the powerful lessons you’ll learn in this 90-minute, not-to-be-missed video presentation:
  • How to break through walls and overcome any obstacle that stands between you and the results you want
  • The real reason people struggle with money and the simple mental shift that gets you everything you want
  • The exact key that unlocks the door to every change you want to see in your own life. This can happen in an instant. If you want to rise to the top in sales you must adopt this powerful trait of all high achievers
  • ​And much more!

More Sales Bonus gift #5

An Ex-Navy Seals Secrets For Leading A High Performace Sales Team

(Previously only available to members of a $25,000 a year mastermind group)

$1,000 value
Enrolling clients might not be war.

But leading a team can certainly feel like a battle.

So who better to lead you into battle during the 21 days “More Sales Challenge” than an ex-navy seal who commanded teams of highly-trained assassins against terrorists in the middle east?

In this bonus training, you’ll learn secrets shared at a high-level mastermind event. The business owners who attended had to pay $25,000 to be there.

You’ll discover:
  • The single key distinction that separates someone like Bill Gates or Richard Branson from a homeless person. (It’s not money. It’s not a special habit. It’s an 8-word sentence that makes it almost impossible NOT to succeed as a coach, consultant, or service professional.)
  • How to create rock solid purpose that drives you and your team to do your best work everyday (this is the secret to getting everyone on the team moving in the same direction, all gunning for the same goal)
  • Why the environment you create for yourself and your team is infinitely more important than skills when you’re striving to become a high performance coach or consultant (and how to create a high performance environment that breeds champions)
  • When to drop people from the team (it’s sooner than you think) and how to do it without feeling bad (do it this way and they will actually thank you for kicking them off the team)
  • ​Plus much, Much more

Total Value Of The “More Sales Challenge” 
And All The Bonuses = $4,500.00
Yours For Just
Fast Action Bonus
(I Reserve The Right To Pull These Bonuses Any Day Now)...
Each is Specifically Designed For Coaches, Consultants, and Fee-For Service Professionals Who Want To Speed Past The Usual Roadblocks On The Way To Wealth And Get Ahead Faster

FREE Bonus #1 (Value $99)

101 Ways To Monetize Your Content, Expertise and Experience
As a High-Ticket Coach, Consultant or Course Creator, the easiest way to quickly grow your income is by leveraging your time and knowledge. In this training, I walk you through 101 ways to turn your concepts into monetary reality to multiply your income. 

FREE Bonus #2 (Value $99)

7 Stages of Wealth
7 Stages of Wealth shows you the most important framework you need for creating wealth. Discover which stage of wealth you currently sit in, and how to progress yourself to the next stage, and beyond to achieve the income, wealth, and lifestyle you want in the shortest time possible.

FREE Bonus #3 (Value $297)

High-Ticket™ Info-Product Creation
How To Create A High Ticket Info-Product To Scale Your Business With New Customers. The more revenue streams you have in your business, the quicker you can scale. This program is a compilation of 4 of my most advanced info-product creation secrets that has helped to generate over 7-figures in products and courses sales.
  • Instant Course Names
  • ​Product Idea Machine
  • ​Rapid Product Creation
  • Monetize Your Expertise
Inside you’ll learn everything you need to know to create your High-Ticket Info-Product including where to start, where to look for hot info-product topics your customer wants and will pay you for, and multiple ways to leverage off someone else's research to create your product. You also receive 143 headline examples, 59 info-product ideas and 28 examples of reusing one idea to create multiple info-products. This program is your springboard to launching a High-Ticket Info-Product line … generating new leads and customers … to scale and sustain your business.
Three Paths. Which Will You Take?
The way I see it there are three paths you can take to enroll more clients or sell more of your high or low-ticket programs:
  • Do nothing. Continue as you are. Hoping -- possibly even praying -- you’ll magically enroll more clients and grow your business.
  • Try to figure it out on your own. It’s a long road. But you might figure out how to easily enroll more clients eventually.
  • Enroll in my 21-day ”More Sales Challenge” and discover my proven secrets for effortlessly enrolling more clients starting today.
The choice is yours.

But if you choose option 3 then – starting immediately – you will no longer feel you have to beg people to hire you, or be pushy, or manipulate people into buying your services. Or be inauthentic to succeed.

With the 21-day “More Sales Challenge,” client enrollment will go from something you dread to something you enjoy. 

You can talk comfortably with potential clients, in a language and tone that aligns with your values.

And you’ll feel a flood of confidence as you move from high pressure and stress to relaxed and calm as you enroll more clients easily.

I hope the tiny $97 investment and my no-risk 100% money-back guarantee make enrolling in the “More Sales Challenge” an easy decision for you.

I really want this to be a turning point in your career.
If you want to turn more appointments into enrolled clients simply jump on the “More Sales Challenge” now.

You’ve got nothing to lose and many more happy clients to gain.

Will you join me?
Hey Dan Lok, why should I listen to you?

Great Question. If you read my story above you'll realize I started out just like you.

I didn't have someone looking over my shoulder, guiding me every step of the way. I had to figure this stuff out on my own. I experienced lonely, dark days where I didn't know if I'd make it.

So believe me when I say I know how it feels to be in your shoes.

That's why when I discovered the secrets to enrolling clients – and it is a secret because very few people know this, even today – I went on to build multiple companies and train over 10,000 students from all kinds of industries like real estate, insurance, retail, home improvement services, professional services and many more...

My students and I have generated over 43 billion in sales. I don't just teach these techniques - I live them.

But still, YOU'RE the one who has to decide to listen to me or risk it in an open market where people are still teaching the "old" stuff that requires you to become someone you don't necessarily want to be.

Why a 21 day challenge? Why not just offer a course like everyone else?

Let's face it, how many courses are gathering digital dust in your hard drive?

You don't need another course. You need actionable tactics to produce results in a short period of time.

A 21 day challenge – that requires just 10 minutes of your attention each day – is short enough to commit to and intense enough to make sure you get "quick wins" and create new communication habits that will transform your career or business.

Why only $97 for over $4,995 in sales training and bonuses?

The truth is, I have an ulterior motive.

You see, I want you to use what I show you in the 21 day "More Sales Challenge" to get an immediate boost in sales and clients...

I want you to effortlessly enroll more clients than you ever have before…

I want you to feel more confident about your career and your future than you ever have before…

Because… I know that when you start seeing better results immediately you'll get excited and return to invest in more "Business Improvement" Programs with me.

That's why I'm willing to give you $4,500 in client enrollment training and bonuses for just $97.

Do I have to attend the challenge at a specific time every day?

No - you can watch my training when it suits you.

But I recommend blocking out 10 minutes either first thing in the morning, before the distractions of your day get in the way – even if that means getting up 10-minutes earlier or… last thing at night, just before you go to sleep, so these ideas seep into your unconscious mind. That way you get up to speed enrolling more clients as soon as humanly possible.

Remember. These lessons can have an impact on your ability to enroll new clients starting on your very next appointment call.

Does it matter if I skip a day?

I believe so. There's power in commitment.

When you commit to the 21 days and follow through you send your brain a very clear message that enrolling more clients is important to you. The psychology of the 21 day challenge is almost as important as the content. Plus, I want you to get the most out of this. And the only way to do that is to have you show up and complete each video module each day for 21 days.

You CAN commit to 10 minutes a day for 21 days, can't you?

Are the recordings available after the 21 day challenge ends?

Yes, once you register they're yours to keep, for life.

What if I have technical issues accessing the material during the 21 days? How do I get Help?

Simple. Once you've registered, make sure you check your email inbox for a welcome email which will patiently guide you through the important steps to get access to the challenge. If you still have issues, contact our support team for help at any time. We're here for you…

How do I join the More Sales Challenge?

Click on the button below. You get immediate access. Welcome aboard.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email support@danlok.com. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, remember: You’re closer than you think.