Concur is the online system that all full-time, benefits-eligible employees and PhD/graduate students use to submit expense reports. With Concur, you can get reimbursed for work expenses you’ve paid for out-of-pocket, or, for employees, reconcile expenses you’ve made on your Northeastern-issued AMEX card.
Use This Tool
How does ExpenseIt work?
Simply take a photo of a receipt using ExpenseIt in the SAP Concur mobile app or forward digital receipts to from a verified e-mail address. ExpenseIt will then create an expense entry – selecting the expense type, matching
payment type, and even itemizing your complicated hotel bills for you – and send it straight to Concur Expense.ExpenseIt uses a combination of technologies to create expenses accurately from receipt images. You can review and make changes to expenses along the way.
How do verify my email online?
When you verify your e-mail address(es), SAP Concur is able to associate receipts sent
from that e-mail address to your account. To add and verify an e-mail address:
> Click Profile at the top right of the screen
> Click Profile Settings
> Click Personal information.
> Scroll down to Email Addresses and click Verify next to preferred email address
> Check your inbox for the Concur Verification E-mail
> Copy the code sent to you
> Paste the code into the Enter Code box
> Select OK. Repeat for all other e-mail addresses you might send a receipt from.How do I sign up for the Concur App?
Go into your phone’s app store/play store and search for SAP Concur
> Once the app is downloaded, open it and hit sign in
> Enter Northeastern’s company code: E7HCMK
> Click ‘Northeastern Login’
> Enter your normal log in information
> Authenticate on DUO
> Once logged in you will not be asked this information againDoes ExpenseIt it work for blue purchasing cards/statement reports?
It does not. ExpenseIt only works with green card and cash/personal credit card charges.
How do I match a corporate card charge to a line item created by ExpenseIt?
In available expenses select the corporate card expense & line created by ExpenseIt -> click ‘Combine Expenses’.
If an expense you wish to combine is already in a report, you can move the expenseIt line item into the report and combine the two transactions in the report.
How do I know if an expense was created using ExpenseIt?
The expense source will say ‘ExpenseIt’ and the expense will show up in available expenses.
How do I turn OFF ExpenseIt in the app?
> Click on profile icon at the top right of the screen
> Settings
> Turn expense it on/offHow do I turn OFF ExpenseIt when forwarding receipts to
> Click on your profile at the top right of the screen
> Click on Profile settings
> Click on Expense preferences (on left side of screen)
> Uncheck ‘Use ExpenseIt to create expenses from uploaded receipts and
receipts emailed to’What does forwarding receipts to do?
Forwarding receipts to will automatically add the receipt into your Concur profile’s ‘available receipts’.
Your email needs to be verified in Concur for this to work.
How can I save my receipts to my device’s photo album?
You can save the receipts you capture to your device by going to your settings and turning on Save receipts to Photos.
For iOS devices, you will need to tap the Save button in the upper-right corner of the settings page.
Is there a limit for ExpenseIt image size?
There is a limit for the receipt size for ExpenseIt. The system only allows a maximum file size of 5MB.
ExpenseIt with receipt digitalisation allow up to 20MB.
If I e-mail a receipt, what formats are accepted?
Acceptable format for ExpenseIt receipts e-mailed to Concur Expense are png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .html, .tif or .tiff.
For receipts uploaded via a mobile device, the acceptable formats are jpg., jpeg. and pdf.
What are the best practices for capturing receipts with ExpenseIt?
ExpenseIt is most helpful when you capture receipts as you go. Capturing a quality photo of your receipts is very important. Dark or blurry photos can be difficult to read.
So, remember to:
> Make sure the camera lens on your mobile device is clean.
> Make sure the camera is focused on the receipt.
> Make sure the camera is as close to the receipt as possible – with little to no background included.
> Take photos in a portrait (vertical) orientation.
> Take photos in a well-lit area. Otherwise, use the flash.
> Avoid shadows across the receipt.Always remember to double check the expense for accuracy before submitting.
If you wait to capture receipts, you can tap the Next Receipt button while capturing them in the app.
How do I expense multi-page receipts?
You can capture a multi-page receipt, such as a hotel folio or a restaurant receipt with
both a summary and itemized copy, with ExpenseIt by following the steps below:
> Tap ExpenseIt on the home page of the SAP Concur mobile app.
> Tap the multi-page icon on the top of the screen.
> Take a photo of the first page. If your receipt includes a summary, this will go first – the pages with itemizations will follow.If you need to retake the photo, tap the trash bin icon and try again.
> Once you have a quality photo, tap Add page.
> Continue until you have captured all pages of the receipt, then tap Done.Note that while you can capture up to nine pages, ExpenseIt will only analyze up to three pages – the first two pages and the last page.
Can I take a single picture of multiple receipts?
ExpenseIt is only able to process receipt images that correspond to a single expense.
ExpenseIt will not be able to separate out individual expenses if multiple receipts are captured in one shot, such as a sheet of paper with multiple receipts taped to it.
If you have a multi-page receipt that corresponds to a single receipt, please see ‘How do I expense multi-page receipts?’ above.
Can I edit ExpenseIt’s predictions?
After capturing a photo of a receipt on the app, ExpenseIt will immediately predict the amount.
If it’s correct, you can accept the amount.
If not, tap Incorrect and enter the
correct amount. Once the rest of the receipt has been analyzed you can view the created expense in the expense library.If you’re on the web version edits can be made from the available expenses.
Tap on an item to review the expense type, date, vendor and location. You will be able to edit these fields if necessary. Once the populated information is complete and accurate, you can move the line item to an expense report for cash/personal credit card charges.
If you are matching the expense to a corporate card charge, please note that if and when a credit card charge is matched to an expense line item created by ExpenseIt, the credit card information will override ExpenseIt’s predictions, and any edits made, if necessary.
General Walk-through
Booking a Car
Booking a Flight
Booking a Hotel
Changing a Purchased and Ticketed trip
Updating your Travel Profile
Frequently Asked Questions - PDF
All Concur information flows from Workday. If your legal name, manager, index, or division in your profile is incorrect please submit a ticket with ITS. Please note, after the change has been made in Workday it takes a few days to be reflected in Concur.
Assigned managers must match what is in Workday.
Step 1
Before using Concur, complete the online Concur training. Log in to Canvas, then click on Concur Training.
Step 2
Log in to Concur: go to
Click on Resources
Click on Financial Services
Click on Concur
Step 3
Click on the Expense tab at the top of the Concur homepage.
Step 4
Select Create New Report.
Step 5
Complete the required fields: Report Name, Business Purpose, Banner Index, Type of Expense, and Country Code.
(Note: If you select International for Type of Expense, you must complete the International Activity field, and the Country Code cannot be the United States.)
Step 6
Click on Create Report at the bottom of the page.
Step 7
Click the Add button and select Create New Expense.
Step 8
Select the appropriate expense type for the reimbursement.
Step 9
Fill in the required fields: Transaction Date (the date the purchase was made), Type of Expense, Business Purpose (the reason for the purchase), Transaction Amount, and Currency.
Step 10
Click on Attach Receipt Image.
Step 11
Click on Receipt or Upload Receipt Image and click Attach.
Step 12
Click on Save Expense.
Step 13
Click on Submit Report.
Step 14
Verify information and click Submit Report.
Part-time or temporary employees should only use Concur to be a “delegate” and file expense reports on a manager’s or another employee’s behalf.
(Note: Part-time or temporary employees who want to be reimbursed for their own out-of-pocket work expenses must use the Expense Voucher Reimbursement Form. Learn how in the “Be reimbursed for expenses” task under How Do I … Plan Travel or Prepare an Expense Report.)
Step 1
Send the request to to request a Concur sponsored account.
Your manager in Concur should match the manager associated with your employee sponsored account. Once added you should see the link populate in your employee profile under ‘Financial Services’.
Step 2
Before using Concur, complete the online Concur training. Log in to Canvas, then enroll in the Concur Training Course
Step 1
Go in to your phone’s app store/play store and search for SAP Concur
Step 2
Once the app is downloaded, open it
Step 3
Hit sign in.
Step 4
Enter Northeastern’s company code: E7HCMK
Step 5
Click ‘Northeastern Login’
Step 6
Enter your normal log in information
Step 7
Authenticate on DUO
Once logged in you will not be asked this information again
Step 1
Before using Concur, complete the online Concur training. Log in to Canvas, then click on Concur Training.
Step 2
Log in to Concur: go to
Click on Resources
Click on Financial Services
Click on Concur
Step 3
Click on Profile in the top right corner. In the drop-down menu, click on Acting as Another User.
(Note: If you do not see that drop-down, no one has assigned you a role as a delegate, preparer, or previewer.)
Step 4
Start typing the employee’s last name in the box.
Step 5
Select the employee from the drop-down menu.
Step 6
Click on Start Session. You should see a green Acting as Employee box in the top right corner.
Step 7
Once the tasks are complete, click on the green Acting as Employee box.
Step 8
Click on Done Acting for Others. This will bring you back to your own profile.
Step 1
Log in to Concur: go to
Click on Resources
Click on Financial Services
Click on Concur
Step 2
Click on the Expense tab at the top of the Concur homepage.
Step 3
Click on the already-created Statement Report. (Note: Please do not remove any credit card transactions from this report.)
Step 4
Click on the drop-down arrow next to Report Details.
Step 5
Click on Report Header. Everything in the Report Header should be auto-filled except for Type of Expense.
Step 6
Fill in Type of Expense as Domestic or International. (Note: If you choose International, you must complete the International Activity field, and the Country Code cannot be United States.)
Step 7
Click on Save.
Step 8
Verify that all of the required fields are completed correctly: Transaction Date (the date the purchase was made), Type of Expense, Business Purpose (the reason for the purchase), Transaction Amount, and Currency.
Step 9
Click on Attach Receipt Image.
Step 10
Select Receipt or Upload Receipt Image and click Attach.
Step 11
Click on Save Expense.
Step 12
Click on Submit Report.
Step 1
Log in to Concur: go to
Click on Resources
Click on Financial Services
Click on Concur
Step 2
Click on the Expense tab at the top of the Concur homepage.
Step 3
Select Create New Report.
Step 4
Complete the required fields: Report Name, Business Purpose, Banner Index, Type of Expense, and Country Code. (Note: If you select International for Type of Expense, you must complete the International Activity field, and the Country Code cannot be United States.)
Step 5
Click on Create Report at the bottom of the page.
Step 6
Click the Add button. You will see the expenses charged on your IBCP AMEX.
Step 7
Select all AMEX charges that need to be added to the report.
Step 8
Click on Add to Report.
Step 9
Verify that all of the required fields are completed correctly: Transaction Date (the date the purchase was made), Type of Expense, Business Purpose (the reason for the purchase), Transaction Amount, and Currency.
Step 10
Click on Attach Receipt Image.
Step 11
Select Receipt or Upload Receipt Image and click Attach.
Step 12
Click on Save Expense.
Step 13
Click on Submit Report.
Step 1
Complete an expense report as described in the “Be reimbursed for expenses” task under How Do I … Plan Travel or Prepare an Expense Report.
Step 2
Select the expense you want to allocate from your expense list.
Step 3
On the left side of the page, below Details, click on Allocate.
Step 4
Above the Add button, you will see Edit. Use the drop-down menu to select Percent or Amount.
Step 5
Click on Add.
Step 6
Click in the Banner Index box and type in your requested index.
Step 7
Click on Add to List.
Step 8
Verify the percentage or amount to be allocated to each new Banner Index.
Step 9
Click on Save.
Step 10
Click on Save Expense.
Step 1
Log in to Concur: go to
Click on Resources
Click on Financial Services
Click on Concur
Step 2
Click on the Expense Report you need to recall.
Step 3
In the right corner, click on Recall Report.
Step 4
Select Yes.
Step 1
Log in to Concur: go to
Click on Resources
Click on Financial Services
Click on Concur
Step 2
Click on the Expense tab at the top of the Concur homepage.
Step 3
The returned report will have a comment indicating what needs to be corrected.
Step 4
Select the returned report and make the requested changes. (Note: If you cannot see the full comment, click into the report, click on Report Details, select Report Timeline, and view the full comment).
Step 5
Click on Save Expense.
Step 6
Click on Submit Report.