Looking to get in touch with us?

Tell us about your company and export needs

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can if we have products for your business, or we’ll connect you to helpful partners and services.

It looks like you work for a financial institution. You might be able to find what you’re looking for at our Financial Institution Resource Hub.

What are your company’s export needs?

Select all that apply

EDC’s commitment to Inclusive Trade

Inclusion, diversity, and equity

EDC's Inclusive Trade strategy aims to deepen our impact on inclusion, diversity and equity by supporting Canadian exporting businesses owned by equity seeking groups.

Better understanding of the makeup of Canadian businesses will help us improve equitable access to support. 

Responding to the following question is completely voluntary and won’t impact admissibility to EDC existing programs, products and services. The information you submit will be used and processed by EDC, according to our Privacy Notice and Business Diversity Notice in support of EDC’s Inclusive Trade strategy.

Is your company MAJORITY owned (50% or more) by person(s) who identify as:

Select all groups which apply to your company (Optional):

It looks like we might have products that fit your company’s needs

Give us a bit more detail about your business so we can get back to you with personalized recommendations.

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Date modified: 2023-07-31