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Why thousands of professionals trust SimplePractice

Your practice. Your journey.

SimplePractice is built with flexibility to run your business, your way. Manage everything from booking to billing—all in one place.

simple practice medical billing management platform

Beyond the basics

Get access to tools, resources, and CE courses to empower and grow your practice and career.

SimplePractice Affiliate Resources

Transform the client experience

Clients can request appointments, join telehealth sessions, complete intakes, and pay bills online.

Online Payments

Personalized support in real time

Discover our comprehensive Help Center, online classes, webinars, and one-on-one sessions to support you every step of the way.


Online Appointment Requests

If people can't book you without talking to you, you're not open for business. And SimplePractice helps with that. You can make an appointment and never have left your couch.

Donna O. from Washington D.C.

Donna Oriowo, SimplePractice Story

Your SimplePractice exclusive:
2 months for the price of 1

Manage and grow your private practice, all in one place.

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